This Is A Happy Michele

Why is Michele happy? Because today, after coming home from a rather uneventful day at work, I was greeted with a tube of cardboard that put an instant smile on my face and made me all giddy. But of course, it wasn't just the cardboard tube that made me happy, it was what was inside of it. And inside of it was this:


You see, it had not been lost on me that I still did not own a poster for my very bestest horror movie yet, and while I was contemplating a little redecorating and reconfiguring of all the other posters I have not too long ago, I suddenly was like, "Son of a bitch! I need to get that dang Poltergeist poster and I need to get it now!" So here it is.

And now I just need to shell out some more bucks to get it framed and then this glorious piece of beauty will be in my possession FOREVER. I will never let it go.

This Is A Happy Michele. There are any This Is A Happy Michele in here.