How Did You Come Up With Your Blog Name?

So this is pretty much a filler post, since real life has been getting in the way of my blogging life recently. I still have two Project Terrible to watch (though I will probably have time for one tonight - FINALLY) so I'm going to miss the July deadline. Sue me.

Anyway, this is something I've been wanting to put out there to all the bloggers for a while, simply for my own curiosity. On a recent post I did for the Liebster Blog Award, this was one of the questions I asked of the people receiving the award from me. It looks like Craig at Let's Get Out of Here! is going to be the only one answering that question, although I already had kind of an idea of how he came up with his blog name!

So here's my question for anybody that wants to answer: How did you come up with or where did you get the idea for the name of your blog? And, as a follow-up, are you still happy with that choice now?

I guess I'll answer the question, too. I started my blog not really thinking that anything would come out of it or that I would keep up with it, so I came up with the title pretty quickly and didn't really have any other options. I knew I was going to be writing about horror, and I also wanted any readers to know that I was a female - because I guess it still surprises some people that girls actually watch horror movies. So then the question was, what title will convey that this will be a site about horror movies, written by a girl? The Girl Who Loves Horror. Easy, breezy, beautiful.

Am I still happy with that hasty choice now? I used to wish that I had taken more time to come up with something more witty or clever, like a fun play on words or something, but I love the title now. It looks good up there on my blog banner, rolls off the tongue nice, and of course, conveys that I am a girl who loves horror movies and loves writing about them. I think I'm going to keep it.

So please leave a comment and share with me and the rest of the blogging community how you decided on the name for your blog and if you still like it now. Inquiring minds want to know!

How Did You Come Up With Your Blog Name?. There are any How Did You Come Up With Your Blog Name? in here.