Crap, It's October Already

So I know that I have, like, 11 months notice every year that the greatest month of all is coming up soon, but why does October always seem to sneak up on me? Well, it has and I am again wholly unprepared. But I'm going to do the best I can to enjoy this most awesome of seasons, however I happen to do it.

One way will be freaking out on some zombies starting tomorrow with this little baby right here:

Oh hells yeah, Resident Evil 6, I have been waiting for you for a long time. YOU BETTER NOT SUCK, AND I FREAKING MEAN THAT.

Anyway, October is here which means that Halloween is almost here which means that horror fans now have control of the world - or at least the internet - for the next 30 days. This is gonna be awesome.

Crap, It's October Already. There are any Crap, It's October Already in here.