Cockneys vs. Zombies Trailer and Opening Credit Sequence

Got an email today from somebody behind the upcoming British zom-com film Cockneys vs. Zombies and I feel like I totally need to share it. I'd heard the title of the movie floating around the Internet for a while but never felt the need to look more into it because... well, I don't really know why. But now that I have, I am stoked for this movie, as I adore zombie movies and British comedy. So here's the official Redband trailer for the movie and the amazing looking opening titles (which was what was emailed to me). Enjoy!

Cockneys vs. Zombies hits UK theaters this Friday, August 31!

Oh my gosh, the part where the old guy is getting away from the zombies with his walker fucking KILLED me.

Cockneys vs. Zombies Trailer and Opening Credit Sequence. There are any Cockneys vs. Zombies Trailer and Opening Credit Sequence in here.