Everybody Still Here???

WOW. When I go on vacation, I really go on vacation, don't I?

I've been back home from Florida (which was AWESOME, by the way) for almost two weeks now and, aside from some preemptive Project Terrible business, I have not done a single horror-related thing in that entire time. No movies, no reading any other blogs (which I feel really bad about, but I will explain my actions in a few seconds), no anything having to do with horror or even movies in general. Normally, I would feel very nervous and terrible about this sudden change, but I'm actually feeling pretty good about it.

You see, I think I was starting to get a little burned out, and this blog was feeling more like homework that I wanted to put off rather than something I really loved doing and looked forward to. I still had all these movies I wanted to or needed to see and I had absolutely no motivation at all to even attempt any of them. So I think it's been good for me to recharge the batteries, so to speak, and take a much-needed break from the world of movies - if only just to remind me how much I love it and missed it while I was gone.

So, blog buddies, The Girl Who Loves Horror is not defunct! She will return, and hopefully with a vengeance... and hopefully soon, because she really needs to stop watching the entire series of Dawson's Creek on Netflix and get back in the horror saddle before all the wise-cracking teenage angst makes her head spin like Linda Blair.

Seriously, though. Dawson's Creek was a great show to watch while you were still a teenager yourself, but as an adult? You really just want to beat the snot out of Dawson and his friends and tell them to stop whining.

Everybody Still Here???. There are any Everybody Still Here??? in here.