Halloween Treats

DUDES. It's freaking HALLOWEEN.

The best and most fun holiday ever. Of course, like most others in our horror blogverse, every day is Halloween in our minds and hearts! A fabulous celebration of the mad and the macabre, the bloody and the gory, the slasher and the slashed. 

One thing that makes this Halloween so much awesomer is....................................................

I won the Bates Motel t-shirt and keychain from Dollar Bin Horror!!!!!!!!!!! Quite possibly the coolest thing ever. Another huge "thanks a bunch" to Dollar Bin Horror - which by the way is one kick-ass website.

In other horror related news, on October 26, Rockstar Games released one of the best downloadable addons for their recent highly popular game, Red Dead Redemption. It's called Undead Nightmare and takes us back toward the middle part of the original game, showing what horrors might have happened! 

It's another 6 hours of zombie-killing and survivor-saving fun with Red Dead and it freaking rules. I haven't gotten that far in it yet, but I love killing zombie and junk so how could I not love it? Plus, at $19.99, it's an incredible deal if you buy the whole Undead Nightmare collection, which includes the Liars and Cheats pack AND the Legends and Killers pack. If you don't have Red Dead yet, go out and buy it right now and immediately download Undead Nightmare. Twenty bucks and you're on your way to pure bliss.

I don't have any real big plans for ye grande olde Hallowe'en, but I'm cool with that. It's only the end of October and we in Missouri have had one confused weather god for the past month, with temperatures much closer to summer than autumn. In my mind, this is hoping that autumn will stretch past its usual expiration date before entering the dreaded WINTER. Because Halloween also rules because it falls during autumn, my favorite time of year for weather, food, and holidays. Apple cider, chilly nights, cool days, pumpkin pie. It all makes me happy inside. So snuggle up this fine Halloween night and celebrate your favorite holiday however you see fit!

Halloween Treats. There are any Halloween Treats in here.