Even More from The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Score. There are any Even More from The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Score in here.
In time for US' Thanksgiving Day, here is TV spot #9 for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug coming December 13, 2013.The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug TV Spot #9. There are any The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug TV Spot #9 in here.
While the pace of TV spots and posters has been pretty brisk, the one thing that has been lacking is movie stills. Until now as the WB plays catch up by releasing 36 images from The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. The full set can be found here.High Resolution Images from The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. There are any High Resolution Images from The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug in here.
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug is about three weeks away from release and the marketing campaign continues. The latest TV spot has air (below) that teases more of Smaug himself. Also two new posters were found that look similar to previous posters to point that I am not entirely sure if official or not. Thanks to Mathieu G. for the link. Last but not least is cover version of Ed Sheeran's "I See Fire" for the movie as performed by Matthew Jordan with Ginny Luke. Probably the first of many covers for is actually a pretty solid song once give it a few listens.The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug TV Spot #9, Two Posters and Cover Song. There are any The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug TV Spot #9, Two Posters and Cover Song in here.
In Evil Behind You, two couples - Debra and Tony, and Lisa and David - have been drugged and abducted and taken to a locked room. The men are lying on gurneys with bandages over their ears and electrodes on their temples so that their brains can be monitored. As the two girls argue about how to get out, the guys start to go crazy from whatever they were given, claiming that there is an evil presence in the room with them. Is it just the drugs or something real? Dun dun dun.
I've read a few things online about this movie and some people are being way too nice, claiming that it has a "nice premise" and all. No, no it doesn't. There is hardly a story to the movie, and what little premise it does have - to me - is only there to serve the tiniest little message about God and demons and fighting evil. The people behind the kidnappings are Middle Eastern and they've also kidnapped a doctor to help them with the experiment they are doing on David and Tony on meningitis. Did I get that right? There's some kind of meningitis problem with them so they're experimenting on these guys to get a serum to stop it? It's something stupid like that.
You're supposed to think that the meningitis is what is making David and Tony crazy because throughout most of the movie they are constantly yelling and freaking out something they can feel in the room - an evil something! And of course, they always seem to feel that it is "behind" them. If there's more meaning in that, I didn't get it. Lisa is the sensitive, empathetic one who tries to help the guys, while the other chick, Debra, quickly turns into a bitch about it. Anyway, they FINALLY reveal what the things are - and they're just these skeletal demon things that take souls to hell. Goddamnit. That's lame.
The Christian stuff I can deal with, but there is such a strange dichotomy happening in this movie. Our two main girls are of course hotties with bodies, and their wardrobe is cleavage-revealing tank tops with low rise jeans, all topped off with their perfect, shiny, straight "come-fuck-me" long hair. Sure, I was jealous but I was also so annoyed that even this movie would use sex appeal where it is not needed AT ALL. There was no reason for them to be sexy. I was also a little offended that the captors were Middle Eastern - really bad, fake Middle Eastern, but Middle Eastern nonetheless. Just because they're easy targets for bad guys in movies? And where are they? And why are they there? And how did they pick these people? You see? Not a good premise. Too many unanswered questions.
If you were expecting any action in this movie, you are going to be sorely disappointed. There is one hilarious part where one of the other patients in the room suddenly gets up all roid-ragey and attacks. Lisa somehow manages to get him down and then kills him by hitting him about three times... with a folding chair. Sure. There was also the funny flashback where the kidnappers kill the doctor's wife by shooting her about three times near the head region as far as I could tell, but I don't really know for sure because there was not a single wound or drop of blood. A few other people also get shot and the best they can do is put a little spot of red on one dude's coat. I'm sure they were trying to keep things clean - morally and physically, probably - but a little bit goes a long way in terms of believability, ya know?
There's lots of background about the character Lisa and her journey through forgiveness and redemption, blah blah BLAH, but it's just annoying. The movie is not good, not exciting, and not nearly as "inspiring" as they try to make it. And now that I've run out of pictures to break up the text, I've also run out of interest in berating Evil Behind You. I watched it, then moved on with my life and forgot about it. Back to lazy Sunday!
Project Terrible: Evil Behind You (2006). There are any Project Terrible: Evil Behind You (2006) in here.
A few days ago WB's WaterTower Music provided 30 second samples from The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Soundtrack as composed by Howard Shore. Now they have doubled the length to a minute from each track for 30 minutes of music. The full score will be released on December 10th and now available for pre-order: special edition | regular editionMore Score Samples from The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Soundtrack. There are any More Score Samples from The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Soundtrack in here.
The TV spots keep coming with number 8 for The Hobbit: TDOS.The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug TV Spot #8. There are any The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug TV Spot #8 in here.
Google and Warner Bros have teamed together to create a new interactive app for Google Chrome web browser that lets you explore Middle Earth. It starts as a very detailed map of Middle-Earth that kind of has a video game element to hit. Currently on three areas are available - Trollshaw Forrest, Rivendell, and Gol Guldur. Those location match areas from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. I would be surprised if other areas are added to match the other films down the line. You can find the "Google Chrome Experiment" here.Journey Through Middle-Earth With Google Chrome. There are any Journey Through Middle-Earth With Google Chrome in here.
TV spot #7 has been released for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug coming December 13th.The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug TV Spot #7. There are any The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug TV Spot #7 in here.
Last year Air New Zealand created an airline safety video/ad that took advantage of New Zealand's close association with The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies. They have now released their follow-up that is more or less a straight up ad but with lots of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug references. There is no new movie footage but its a cute ad that ends with a great slogan of "Middle Earth is Close Than You Think".Air New Zealand's New The Hobbit Ad. There are any Air New Zealand's New The Hobbit Ad in here.
One of the joys a new edition to The Hobbit trilogy is it means a new edition to the excellent series of scores from composer Howard Shore. Just like last year, the soundtrack for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug will come in two editions - the regular version and the special edition that will be released on December 10th, just days before the movie itself. Amazon has just the special edition and regular edition available for pre-order but really there is no reason to get the regular edition.To tease the upcoming release, WaterTower Music (part of Warner Bros) has released a sampler with the full track list for the special edition (below) that lets you here snippets from each of the tracks. To no surprise it sounds excellent and makes me look forward to hearing the rest. You can also listen to "A Feast of Starlight" on the official website.
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Score Samples from The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Soundtrack. There are any Score Samples from The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Soundtrack in here.
During the series premiere of Almost Human, the next TV spot for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug aired. It does have a few new scenes but most if previous footage.The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug TV Spot #6. There are any The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug TV Spot #6 in here.
A wildlife photographer traveling to JFK is carrying the dangerous "lupine virus" and soon spreads it to hundreds of other people at the airport. The infected are quarantined on a island in New York, and while some try to quickly work to find a cure for the virus, one Army general decides that these creatures would be perfect for combat situations and tries to stop anyone who gets in his way.
The lineup of actors for Battledogs is pretty good though there are only two well known names. Ghostbuster Ernie Hudson has a small role as the head of security at JFK and then freaking Dennis Haysbert plays the evil Army general. He's also got some facial hair going on here, which I really didn't like. It was funny to me to see him in this because in one early scene they show the movie's bald, black President of the United States - and then the next scene is Dennis Haysbert, a.k.a. the greatest fake President EVER from "24." And now he's General Monning, the guy with the genius idea to have an army of werewolves to fight our enemies. Oh, Dennis, why???
Cute little Ariana Richards is also here as Donna Voorhees, the Patient Zero for the lupine virus because she got bitten by a wolf while photograhing them. The funniest part of the movie is when our other main character Major Hoffman (Craig Sheffer, a.k.a. David Boreanaz's long lost brother) actually asks Donna, "Why did that wolf bite you?" Why did a wolf bite somebody? Maybe because it's a wolf, just sayin'. There's not much to know or care about any of these people as the movie is all plot driven, and most of it is just a long chase sequence of Donna, Hoffman, and the doctor trying to save them all from Monning. It's pretty ridiculous how a high ranking Army general makes a decision in about 2.5 seconds to go against his entire moral code and kill innocent civilians and fellow Army buddies for the stupid idea of training werewolves to fight for the United States. Like, does he think that would actually turn out well?
Treating werewofism (I don't think that's the right word) as a virus is a good idea, I gotta say. The moon has nothing to do with when the infected transform. They get bitten and they change almost right afterward. They also change when their heartbeat rises above 150 beats per minute. Though the werewolves themselves are all CGI, I didn't hate the look at them as much as I thought I would. They look good, which is something I can't always give SyFy credit for - Piranhaconda, anyone?
I can't give the movie too much credit for the characters or the plot, but I was surprised to find that Battledogs was not as laughably ridiculous as every other original movie from SyFy. It's watchable, nothing groundbreaking or memorable, but definitely watchable. I've gotten worse movies so I'm pretty pleased with this one!
Project Terrible: Battledogs (2013). There are any Project Terrible: Battledogs (2013) in here.
So the Oogieloves are Goobie, Toofie, and Zoozie and they are these Teletubby-like things I guess who are throwing a surprise birthday party for their friend Schluffy... who is a pillow. Their other friend J. Edgar - who is a vacuum cleaner (haha, like J. Edgar Hoover, geddit?) - gets Schluffy five magical golden balloons but loses them on the way home so the Oogieloves go out to recapture each one, while meeting some friends along the way.
Okay, really? I have to actually write a review of this? This is probably a really good movie for kids because it is supposedly the first interactive children's movie that was in theaters. There are prompts on the bottom of the screen for the kids to get up and dance and sing along. The problem is that there is nothing educational about this movie at all aside from a little counting and singing ridiculous songs that I now have stuck in my head. And apparently no one gave a crap about any of this because The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure has now gone down in history as being the movie with the worst box office opening weekend in history! Ouch. By the numbers, that makes it the worst movie ever... but I watched Howling 7. I love the Oogieloves compared to that movie.
Here's a rundown of the celebrities that showed up here: Cloris Leachman played Grandma Dottie, a woman who loves circles and lives in a "tree-pot" (a teapot in a tree); Chazz Palminteri is Milky Marvin, the beatboxing owner of a milkshake shop where you can get a milkshake made out of anything; Cary Elwes (!) plays Bobby Wobbly, a cowboy who owns a bubble truck and continuously bounces up and down; Toni Braxton is Rosalie Rosebud, a diva singer who loves roses but is allergic to them; and Christopher Lloyd and Jaime Pressly are Lero and Lola Sombrero, who live in a giant sombrero that can fly when powered by dancing tango. Oi. Should I think that it's kinda cute that these guys were in this movie or feel embarrassed for them? Okay, I admit. It was cute. Cary Elwes is possibly the best thing about this whole movie, even though I don't think I'll ever be able to look at him the same way again.
So, I don't have too much else to say about this. It's a kid's movie! And not really a horrible one either, just one that's really weird. I mean, most kid's movies are weird anyway but with stuff like Cars and Toy Story, I don't see this as being one that will become any kid's favorite movie to watch. The audience participation crap didn't even seem like it would all that fun for a child to join in on - and NO, I did not participate while watching it. The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure was a nice attempt at a new kind of movie for kids to go see in theaters, but things didn't turn out the way they thought. Show your children Toy Story. They'll like you a lot more for it.
Project Terrible: The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure (2012). There are any Project Terrible: The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure (2012) in here.
Much like last year, Denny has joined with The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug to create a Hobbit inspired menu in time for the Holidays. Just as important for fans is exclusive content that looks at the making of the movie starting with a look at Beorn's house which is built to the scale of a near giant compared to the much smaller hobbit and dwarves. The video and press release on the new menu is below.Press release: Read more »
Denny's Joins with Desolation of Smaug for New Menu, Look at Beorn's Home. There are any Denny's Joins with Desolation of Smaug for New Menu, Look at Beorn's Home in here.
The poster fest continues as The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug has released yet another poster. This time three part poster manages to cram a lot of characters into its five pie segments.
New The Desolation of Smaug Triptych Poster. There are any New The Desolation of Smaug Triptych Poster in here.
Last week The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug held a fan event that Evangeline Lilly participated in. After the "live" portion, she stuck around and fielded additional questions from Entertainment Weekly and fans. A few interesting tidbits came out from the session including the background of the character (parents killed by Orcs), that she read The Silmarillion (no easy task as harsh read), and more. The video can be found here.Evangeline Lilly Talks More About Tauriel. There are any Evangeline Lilly Talks More About Tauriel in here.
So this movie has one of the best plots I've ever heard. Seriously. This hunky young mineralogist named Paul falls in love with a really boring chick named Kathy on the same night that he gets hit in the head by a meteor from an asteroid that hit the moon. Herein comes the "moon beast" part of this fantastic story because apparently, having a little bit of meteor in your brain turns you into... a lizard monster. I know you're anxious to hear how this turns out.
As hilariously stupid as the plot of Track of the Moon Beast is, it's really a shame that the rest of the movie is rather boring. There's just not enough Paul-monster-moon-beast action, too much talky-talky with all the other characters, and not enough of those whacky 70s sci-fi effects that I was looking forward to. Though it almost kills me to admit it, overall the movie isn't that bad. The production value - albeit minimal - is workable for the plot and the characters are not nearly as annoying as expected. Hey, you even get some musical entertainment in the movie. What more do you want?
If you're like me, your main question with this oh-so-magnificent plot is the relationship between some meteor shit (yay Creepshow!) and transforming into a lizard beast. Like, how are those two things related in any way at all? How does having a piece of meteor imbedded in your brain cause you to turn into a lizard creature that is closely related to the Tyrannosaurus Rex (I didn't say it - the movie did, I swear)? Paul's good friend is Native American and professor Johnny Longbow, who not only has the recipe for awesome stew, but also can give you the most minimal explanation for all of this possible. It's a Native American legend. I think. I wasn't really paying attention. However, no explanation could make this plot point make sense enough for anybody to take it seriously.
Paul only changes into the moon beast about three times in the whole movie and it all takes up about five minutes of the movie's run time. There's one really crappy dissolve transformation scene - which I can forgive because they did their best - and just what Paul transforms into is not at all what you would expect. He doesn't look much like a lizard and is instead this dark, bumpy headed Creature from the Black Lagoon type thing. He goes a little rampagey by killing some random guy outside his house and then some more random people in a tent where he rips one of their arms off... and that's pretty much it. At the the end, he runs around the desert some more before he's killed. Eh, boring.
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Fan art for Johnny Longbow's famous stew |
There's some questionable dialogue in Track of the Moon Beast, and the actress playing Kathy is basically a blonde two-by-four, but everybody else does a relatively good job for what they have to work with. The goofy plot warmed me up to the movie quite a bit more than it should have but seriously - when have you ever heard of something like this before? The bad part is the painfully slow pace and way too many boring scenes of people just standing around and talking. I actually say give this one a shot, if only for nostalgia's sake - they don't make 'em like this anymore. Thank goodness.
Project Terrible: Track of the Moon Beast (1976). There are any Project Terrible: Track of the Moon Beast (1976) in here.
It turns out that The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Extended Edition is now out on Blu-ray and DVD. I am a bit late to the party as the sets came out a few days ago while I was thinking it was next week. If a fan of the movie, I highly recommend getting, mostly because the Peter Jackson does extra features better than anyone else in Hollywood. The movie itself as 14 minutes of additional scenes (details on new scenes here) but its the special features that make it worth the double-dip. Below is one of the new scenes. You can order from Amazon now: 3D Blu-ray Set | Blu-ray Set | DVD Set | 3D Blu-ray Amazon Exclusive Statue Edition | Blu-ray Amazon Exclusive Statue EditionThe Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Extended Edition Out Now. There are any The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Extended Edition Out Now in here.
Will Kidman is your typical teenager who is about to graduate high school without a clue as to what he is supposed to be in his life. He only has one good friend, his father is distant, and he has trouble expressing his feelings to a girl he's liked for years. All that changes after an attack by a creature causes him to realize the unbelievable changes in himself - that he is, in fact, a werewolf. Now he has to decide what to do with his new life, as a pack of powerful werewolves have moved in to take over. The credits claim that this one is based on the book "The Howling II" but I seriously doubt that the book could have been more than just a basic inspiration for the story based on the outcome here.
The whole movie is really about as generic, formulaic, and cliched as they come, mostly when it comes to the characters. Will, although quite well-played by Landon Liboiron, is not nearly as sympathetic as they try to make him - he needed something more to his character to make him different than every other loser-turned-awesome-person-of-circumstance. His goofy friend Sachin has made his own horror movie, and therefore is Will's go-to person when he wants to know all about werewolves (and they always seem to be right about that particular movie's werewolf lore as opposed to the others, you know?). Eliana is the outgoing, wild, but still vulnerable girl that seduces Will through the whole movie even though they make it seem like the two have never talked until a couple of days ago.
The high school portrayed in this movie is just atrocious. The comparison of high school to a prison is entirely appropriate in this instance because this place is some kind of very high tech Fort Knox. It is ridiculously unbelievable. Maybe in 20 or 30 years high schools will be able to be this secure (why, though, is still my question) but it doesn't even seem necessary where these kids are. Get this: they are actually able to completely lock down the entire school - with like metal gates over all the windows and such. Seriously, they're a bunch of middle class, snotty white kids. I'm not seeing the immediate danger to make this worthwhile of the taxpayer's money. The lockdown thing does end up making for a good plot point when Will and Eliana get trapped inside with all the werewolves at the end, but still. Come on.
The werewolves? They're actually pretty good once they (again) finally show up at the end. They're super-strong with weird acrobatic abilities, and they're probably the best looking werewolves of the series. A lot like the Dog Soldiers werewolves. Will's mom is the alpha wolf of her little pack and there's lots of crap talk about her wanting Will to give into his animal side and join the family, blah blah blah. Then Will finds out that he "accidentally" made Eliana into a werewolf (which is actually good because she saves him) so then they have to do another kind of emotional scene where he, like, talks her back into being a human because they love each other so much. Ugh, too much emotional stuff going on. Will's voiceover by the end gets a mite cheesy when he's getting all philosophical about basically the whole meaning of life, as well. It's nice writing but it's the same kind of stuff you've always heard about the dual nature of man and what it means to be human, BLAH BLAH BLAH.
Despite any overall lack of ingenuity here, I must say that this movie is still a hell of a lot easier to watch than any of the previous Howling movies. It's updated and snazzy looking, with a younger cast and a lot more in the action department which is something this series was seriously lacking. Not a terrible movie, really. Just kinda... meh. The ending is similar to the original's - Will broadcasts his transformation to warn people of the werewolf threat - and I only hope that it is some kind of ambiguous ending and not the beginning of yet another Howling movie. This Howling adventure has been fun, friends, but there's only so much I can take.
Movie Review: The Howling: Reborn (2011). There are any Movie Review: The Howling: Reborn (2011) in here.
Peter Jackson has posted a music video/making of for the end of credits song for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. Titled "I See Fire" and performed by Ed Sheeran, the track will be part of the soundtrack when its released in a few weeks. While not as good as The Lord of the Rings credit songs, its still a solid addition. For some reason it reminds me of something Tracy Chapman would perform.Desolation of Smaug's "I See Fire" End Credits Song. There are any Desolation of Smaug's "I See Fire" End Credits Song in here.
Despite a busy Monday for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug with a fan Q&A, bunch of posters, and production diary, the mini-media blitz continues with even more posters and few stills from the movie. (via Collider)






Five New Posters, Two Stills for The Desolation of Smaug. There are any Five New Posters, Two Stills for The Desolation of Smaug in here.
Today was a good day for The Hobbit fans. Warner Bros held a "fan event" (1st video below) for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug that let people at four theaters ask questions to the cast and crew. Those that participated included Evangeline Lilly, Orlando Bloom, Andy Serkis, Peter Jackson, Luke Evans, and others. During the event a sneak peak was shown (2nd video) as was production video #12 (3rd video below). Last but not least a new poster is out that shows off all the new cast members.Highlights from the fan event:
- The 10 weeks of pickups over the summer included filming the Battle of Five Armies and footage for Desolation of Smaug.
- Evangeline Lilly said Tinkerbell influences how she played Tauriel as "she's tiny and she's cute but she is fierce. You do not wanna get on the wrong side of Tink." She figured since her character is young by elf standards, she tried to avoid copying Liv Tyler and Cate Blanchett.
- Even though Legolas is 60 years younger than age in Lord of the Rings, for an elf those 60 years are a "blink of an eye" so had no influence on how played character.
- Luke Evans explained that while it appears he is holding his bow incorrectly, it is actually correct for that type of bow due to the longer arrows.
- Said the last day of the shoot was emotional due to goodbyes to cast and crew and more but "underneath it all is a sense of relief" as moves on to post production on "putting the second movie together" which he was looking forward too.
- Never released a blooper reel for Lord of the Rings but open to the idea. Main problem is a bunch of 35mm film to go through to find them and the quality of the images will likely be similar to VHS
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The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug Sneak Peek, Fan Event Video and New Poster. There are any The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug Sneak Peek, Fan Event Video and New Poster in here.
WB has released seven new posters to go with the upcoming release of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug on December 13, 2013. Bit surprised they don't have a Smaug one but guess they want to save the reveal for the movie.






Seven New Character Posters for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. There are any Seven New Character Posters for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug in here.
Long-haired Australian biker boy Ted Smith rides into tiny Pioneer Town and gets a job at the local bar. He's related in some way to three previous Howling movies, but I didn't really remember how until they told me. Anyway, the usual starts to happen - disappearances and murders start to occur and seems to be the work of a "large animal," and as the new kid in town, townspeople start to suspect Ted as the culprit. Meanwhile, a priest and an inspector are hot on the trail of missing werewolf Marylou (from Howling 5) and it leads them right into Pioneer Town.
The movie actually sets itself up for the audience quite nicely. The opening scene is three guys standing around a skeleton found in the desert, and they all say, respectively, the best-slash-worst first lines of any movie I've ever heard - "Jesus Christ!" "Holy shit!" "Mother of God!" So appropriate for the reactions everyone will probably have while watching this movie. It doesn't get any better after this first scene, it just gets more stupid and boring.

New Moon Rising infamously strings together its own flimsy plot by saying that it's all connected to the three previous Howling films, and actually includes scenes from all of them. I never would have guessed that Ted was the same guy who survived the castle in Howling 5 but apparently he is. Shows how memorable that movie was. Ted was also a guy in Drago that Marie Adams (who actually has a few scenes in this movie, too) supposedly killed in Howling 4, and they totally made that shit up. Anyway, by the end, the plot gets twisted up so much that it gets really ridiculous. The priest and inspector are talking the situation out and they bring up things that the audience never saw happen so it's incredibly confusing. Three dead guys all lead to Ted, but apparently it was the work of Marylou the werewolf who was somehow able to assume the form of another person (not possible, by the way!) in the town, this chick named Cheryl. It's anybody's guess as to why she was trying to frame this guy in the first place or what her ultimate plan was. Whatever it was, she failed miserably.
Here we are with the seventh Howling movie, and while there is plenty of werewolf talk throughout, we again don't actually see any werewolves until the very end. Very briefly. Like about 15 seconds. The red filter werewolf POV shots were more exciting than Cheryl's lame transformation and her equally lame demise that occurs off screen when she's shot by the townspeople after bursting through the door. The end.
And not a moment too soon. The Howling: New Moon Rising is simply a pointless movie. It sucks, and it's pointless and irritating with how horrible it is. All the actors, including writer-producer-director-actor Clive Turner, are terribly lifeless and boring, much like the rest of the movie. It's not even funny though it tries very hard to be and those attempts just turn out to be really pathetic. Ugh, bad movie. Do yourself a big favor and avoid this one at all costs.
Movie Review: The Howling [7]: New Moon Rising (1995). There are any Movie Review: The Howling [7]: New Moon Rising (1995) in here.
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