It's actually not a bad movie, but a lot of its effect was almost completely ruined by the advertisement and the movie's overall lack of imagination. It is seriously times like these when I really and truly just hate trailers. The best scare of the movie is when the fingers appear at the back of Emily's throat - but of course, they played that scare to death in trailers and TV spots so the effect was gone when I (and probably everybody else) watched it. The rest of the "scares" are cheap and cliched, the same kind of stuff that is being repeated over and over again in mainstream movies lately, which in turn cheapens the tone and any sense of fear or suspense that you might have for the family. There were actually a few things that I somewhat enjoyed; a lot of it being similar to body horror type stuff that always freaks me out - the way Emily's eye goes all wonky and you see something moving around underneath her face; seeing the demon inside her when she's in the MRI machine; and the lady at the beginning getting the shit beaten out of her. Again, it's nothing new or shocking, but sometimes the right image at the right time in the movie can still work. It doesn't happen very often in The Possession, though.
The Jewish exorcism scene at the climax is pretty lackluster, with Emily just doing a bunch of weird stuff and getting chased around a hospital while there is the obligatory and literal light show happening all around. They try to make it all scary when the demon finally appears in full form by doing the strobe effect, but it was still disappointing. He was just this gooey, Gollum-like thing crawling across the floor - after crawling out of Clyde's mouth. They could have made that part so much more gross and disturbing if it weren't for that danged PG-13 rating they were probably striving to keep. The ending is sadly just another obligatory shock value moment that wants to open doors for a sequel.
On to some of the movie's good parts. I found myself really enjoying the acting of Jeffrey Dean Morgan as the dad Clyde and the two girls who played his daughters, Emily and Hannah. Kyra Sedgewick as the mother Stephanie is the same old horror movie mother I've seen before with no real personality. Sorry, Kyra, but it's true. Anyway, the family is going through the obligatory (seems to be the word of the day) strife with the parents being divorced, which of course just makes the whole demonic possession thing even worse. I really thought that Clyde and his daughters had some nice family moments together, and most importantly, Clyde's love and connection to his children felt real. Morgan is becoming a particular favorite of mine, even though it took me about 20 minutes to realize that he was not Robert Downey, Jr. Seriously. Those two have to be related in some way, I'm sure of it.
I now have to say that I think my favorite part of the whole movie was when Clyde brought the dybbuk box to the synagogue in New York, because as soon as he showed it to all the Jewish dudes, most of them hightailed it out of the room. That got a pretty big laugh out of me.
Though a pretty good chunk of The Possession is all trite, uninspiring, forgettable crap, I'm going to give it at least a few plus points for introducing a new concept to the same old exorcism stories. There are good actors to help give us some nicely drawn characters, and portray a believable family unit. It wasn't as bad a movie as I was expecting; it was just mostly disappointing - especially coming from beloved producer Sam Raimi.
Movie Review: The Possession (2012). There are any Movie Review: The Possession (2012) in here.
Last Sunday Peter Jackson hosted an hour long event to that ended with a brief sneak peak at The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug that is coming out on December 13th. An edited version of the event is now up at official The Hobbit website but it still requires you have an ultraviolet code from one of the Blu-ray sets. Also keep in mind the code can only be used three times. The content is dated to last until 5/24/2013/. So if you have your ultra violet code, click here and if you don't you will have to just go with the summary.The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Sneak Peek Online. There are any The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Sneak Peek Online in here.
Below is an amusing critique of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey that counts all the problems with the movie. Some of the points are filming errors, many are silly and some are spot on. The result is an amusing piece that is part of CinemaSins occasional series that makes fun of Hollywood hits.Everything Wrong with The Hobbit Video. There are any Everything Wrong with The Hobbit Video in here.
A huge, bloody THANK YOU to whoever nominated The Girl Who Loves Horror for a Lammy Award this year for Best Horror Blog! Seriously, who was it? I want to kiss you.Lammy Nomination For Me! Also, A Question About Horror Conventions. There are any Lammy Nomination For Me! Also, A Question About Horror Conventions in here.
Sunday at 3pm EST (or 8AM New Zealand) time, The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug live event was held with Director Peter Jackson and Jed Brophy (Nori). It was available to those that bought the Blu-ray/DVD combo pack. Over all it wasn't bad. It started with the pair showing off the post-production studios and discussing a little of the film making process in general. It then went to their main editing room where Peter showed how they take multiple takes with various camera angles and put it together for a scene. After that was a Q&A that was about 95% videos from current and past Middle-Earth actors. The main bit of "new" info really is a good look at Evangeline Lilly (Tauriel), Luke Evans (Bard), and Laketown. Overall if a fan of the film making process it was interesting but was light on spoilers. Below are the movie specific highlights via Bleeding Cool and TORn. Peter did promise more production videos and a edited version of the live event is supposed to be posted at some point but no time frame has been specified.Highlights Read more »
Desolation of Smaug Live Event Summary. There are any Desolation of Smaug Live Event Summary in here.
The zombie expert himself, Scott Kenemore |
Kenemore's wit is unmatched and his ability to constantly keep the action interesting, exciting, and hilarious is one of the many things that I love about Zombie, Illinois. The three main characters - Pastor Leopold Mack, Maria Ramirez, and Ben Bennington - are all completely lovable, well-drawn and amazing characters in different ways and I couldn't get enough of them. Chicago itself is a major character, too, and though the book would probably have more meaning to me if I actually knew anything about Chicago, Kenemore easily paints the picture of a corrupt, yet loyal and beautiful city that has its ups and downs. It's a story about the different neighborhoods in the city and how they either work together or against each other when the crap hits the fan, something that is very unique to me. I didn't even really speak to my neighbors until after I'd been in my apartment for about 3 months. And that was just to ask if I could borrow a snow shovel. Not so sure they'd take me in once the dead started coming back to life.
Zombie, Illinois is unique for many reasons, and one of those is the types of zombies our heroes encounter. Many zombie apocalypse movies show the audience the freshly dead and turned. Kenemore makes us think about all the other types of dead people we'd have to deal with come Z-Day - murder victims thrown in the river; dusty gangster skeletons; and the heap of dead people rising from unmarked graves. Another thing unique to this book is that zombies are not the only foe the main characters find themselves up against. Ben is a reporter who knows about city politics and Maria has a close connection to one of the city's aldermen (which is a member of the city council, basically, representing different neighborhoods). The book is clearly a commentary on Chicago politics, which kind of made me all scrunchy-face at first because I don't like or understand politics, but I can't deny that it makes total sense for the situation and gives the reader a very interesting spin on a zombie apocalypse story. I mean, what are the first things to always fall in society in any zombie apocalypse story? Democracy, law and order. Nobody is really in charge of anything anymore, but get enough scared survivors together, give them a leader to follow, and they will follow. That's exactly what these aldermen (and women) do in Zombie, Illinois - and they do it quickly, too. Maybe everyone really should follow them if they can get things under control so fast after zombies take over...
Maybe not.
The absolute best part of the novel is when Mack, Maria and Ben make the brave (and sort of stupid) choice of staying off the streets and instead choosing a quicker route by traveling through the system of old, closed-off coal tunnels under the city's streets. The sense of absolute dread and danger as they try to find their way in pitch darkness with weak flashlights was enough to make me squirm in my seat while reading, picturing myself in the same situation. This part is also great because it is where the trio meets the greatest zombie of the book - one with a badly broken back that at first looks to them like it is just a pair of walking legs. That's just... genius. Pure freaking zombie genius.
This section of the novel is also noteworthy because it reinforces what I think Kenemore is really trying to say. When Mack is looking down into the pit of zombies in the coal tunnel, it is not the fact that they are reanimated corpses that truly horrifies him. It is the fact that they are the reanimated corpses of aborted fetuses and Girl Scouts with their throats cut. It is seeing the crimes and inhumanity of his city literally coming back to haunt him and showing him just how bad it really was. I definitely liked that there was a good message, or at least something deeper to this novel than just being something funny about zombies - another reason for me to love Kenemore and what he's doing even more.
There's zombies, there's corrupt politicians, there's pastors who wear pink ties, there's a budding romance between a reporter and a Latino girl in a band called Strawberry Brite Vagina Dentata. THIS. BOOK. RULES. It is probably the most fun you'll ever have reading about zombies, and once it's over you'll just want to flip straight back to that first page. Kenemore is one of the most promising new names in zombie/horror literature and I cannot wait to read more of his stuff. I've read he's already working on a new novel right now... with more zombies, right? Please tell me there are more zombies! Um, anyway, read Zombie, Illinois and I can pretty much guarantee that you'll enjoy every word of it, just like I did.
Did I also mention that Kenemore has Chicago's mayor being eaten alive on TV by an undead Al Capone? 'Cause he does. I want to marry this man.
Wait, before you go... I also reviewed two of Kenemore's other books - my thoughts on Zombie, Ohio can be found here and my review of Zombies vs. Nazis: A Lost History of the Walking Dead is right here. If I haven't convinced you to give this author a chance from this review, maybe one of those will do the trick.
Book Review: "Zombie, Illinois" by Scott Kenemore. There are any Book Review: "Zombie, Illinois" by Scott Kenemore in here.
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is now officially out on Blu-ray and DVD. The movie comes in three main sku's of 3D Blu-ray Combo Pack (BR 3D + BR + DVD + Digital Copy), Blu-ray Combo Pack (BR + DVD + Digital Copy), and DVD (DVD + Digital Copy). Some stores have exclusive extra content. Below are the prices on top five stores but feel free to add more in the comments. From what I can tell the exclusive content is limited to the Blu-ray Combo Pack.Amazon
3D Blu-ray Combo Pack - $27.99
Blu-ray Combo Pack - $25.99
DVD - $14.99
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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Out Now on Blu-ray and DVD. There are any The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Out Now on Blu-ray and DVD in here.
Today The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is out on Blu-ray and DVD. As part of that Collider has released a video interview (below) with star Martin Freeman as he discussed the movie. The 10 minute interview is pretty entertaining, if only to try and figure out the very dry British humor that sometimes makes it difficult to tell when he is being literal or not.Highlights:
- Seen movie 6 times, five times in 48fps but not in IMAX
- Thought first day was "exciting". Has rehearsed the Riddles in the Dark (Bilbo meets Gollum) before filming it on that first day.
- Felt he was the guy for Bilbo (and most LOTR fans had agreed as name came up long before The Hobbit has even started pre-production) Read more »
Freeman Interview For The Hobbit Home Video Release. There are any Freeman Interview For The Hobbit Home Video Release in here.
We'll see what Bob thinks of it in the next Project Terrible round in April :).
Nope. Didn't like this one. Lots of pretty colors and showy theatrics, but that is exactly what was wrong with this movie. I really don't know what could have made it better, I just know that it wasn't my favorite and I pretty well forgot about it not too long after it was over - after I was done scoffing at the stupid ending. LAME.
Non-Horror Movie Roundup. There are any Non-Horror Movie Roundup in here.
On March 24, 2013 Peter Jackson will present a live first look at The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug as part of the promotion for the March 19th release of The Hobbit: An Expected Journey on DVD and Blu-ray. As prep for that, they are giving fans a chance to submit questions to the director for him to answer which you can do here. As for the release, it comes in three skus of 3D Blu-ray Combo Pack (BR 3D + BR + DVD + Digital Copy), Blu-ray Combo Pack (BR + DVD + Digital Copy) and DVD (DVD + Digital Copy).Ask Peter Jackson Site Now Live. There are any Ask Peter Jackson Site Now Live in here.
The lawsuits continue to fly around The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings as Warner Bros has counter-sued the Tolkien Estate for lost licensing revenue from the sale of online games and casino slot machines bearing images and concepts from the two trilogies. In November the Tolkien Estate sued Warner Bros and Saul Zaentz Company for breach of contract for trying to licensing the movies for those purposes. The Tolkien Estate claims the licensing contract doesn't cover those areas, the other two believe it does.If I understand it right, basically Warner Bros is suing the Tolkiens for suing them and causing various licensing plans to be halted. To my knowledge you can't sue for being sued so chances are this lawsuit will get thrown out but not before lawyers get to add to their billable hours. The only thing I can think of is Warner Bros is laying the legal groundwork to help their cause when negotiating a settlement for the breach of contract lawsuit. If the previous lawsuits are any indication, this will be settled. While the Tolkien Estate loathes the movies because not a 100% faithful re-creation of the novels), they love the financial windfall. The previous lawsuits between the Estate and WB have all been settled once a dollar figure has been worked out and chances are that will be the case here. Keep in mind that lawsuits are not about right and wrong. Its really about the means to keep paying the lawyers and the will to fight (or really its a game of chicken on the will to fight since jury trials are very unpredictable so lawyers prefer to avoid them).
Warner Bros Counter Suing Tolkien Estate. There are any Warner Bros Counter Suing Tolkien Estate in here.
So, as I was sharing with another blogger not too long ago, every year in March my local library puts on this huge, 4 day long used book sale. Literally, THOUSANDS of books for usually no more than a dollar (hardbacks are two dollars). Of course I go every year and stock myself up on paperbacks that I can read at work and see what other goodies I can find.At this awesome book sale, a mere $22 got me 19 paperbacks and 2 hardbacks (I didn't realize until I got home that they miscounted - whoops).
Not gonna lie, though. My first intention when I get through the door is to scope out Stephen King hardbacks, preferably first editions of the older stuff. I've been somewhat lucky in the past with finding the ones I want, but as you can see from this year, either someone grabbed them up first or there just weren't as many SK hardbacks available. I even shared my frustration with a fellow shopper who wanted to see the copy of The Dead Zone that I put back (beat-up dust jacket and it was just a book club edition - nah). So the SK haul wasn't as good this year.
My Book Sale Haul! Yes, There is Stephen King!. There are any My Book Sale Haul! Yes, There is Stephen King! in here.
There have been different artist created versions of The Lord of the capital of Gondor, Minas Tirith. I believe this is the first highly detailed on that I have seen created entirely from sand and water. Yep its a sandcastle of Minas Tirith. I have no idea how artist Joseph Alvernaz created this 10" x 12" replica but worth clicking here to view more pictures. (via i09)Sandcastle Minas Tirith. There are any Sandcastle Minas Tirith in here.
Since the decision was made to turn The Hobbit into a trilogy was made after initial principle photography has been completed, there is now more to film. According to Martin Freeman it seems the cast will assemble in New Zealand starting in May. No specifics provided on exactly what is being filmed but safe to assume that it will probably involve at least a few scenes for The Desolation of Smaug and lion share probably for There and Back Again. From"I am going back at the end of May for all of June and July. I suppose the thing is, this is not finished. We literally have to go and finish it. It's not a new adventure like on a television show. It's the same story. It's the same gig I started in January 2011. I think it'll be really fun because the crew is quite close and the cast are close and we like working on it. I'm anticipating it."Read more »
Freeman: Filming Restarts in May. There are any Freeman: Filming Restarts in May in here.
Anthology Quest: Tales from the Crypt (1972). There are any Anthology Quest: Tales from the Crypt (1972) in here.
It looks like Warner Bros is getting ready to start their promotional campaign for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Blu-ray and DVD release with a bunch of new videos. All current eight are below with the first half emphasizing the Peter Jackson teaser for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug that will occur on March 24th. That means you have a short window to get the video which comes out on March 19th. The release comes in three skus of 3D Blu-ray Combo Pack (BR 3D + BR + DVD + Digital Copy), Blu-ray Combo Pack (BR + DVD + Digital Copy) and DVD (DVD + Digital Copy). The details on store exclusives are here.The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Home Video Spots. There are any The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Home Video Spots in here.
Book Review: "Shadows in the Mist" by Brian Moreland. There are any Book Review: "Shadows in the Mist" by Brian Moreland in here.
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is hitting shelves in two weeks on March 19th for Blu-ray and DVD. The discs are coming in three basic forms of the 3D Blu-ray Combo Pack (BR 3D + BR + DVD + Digital Copy), Blu-ray Combo Pack (BR + DVD + Digital Copy) and DVD (DVD + Digital Copy). The only real differences seems to be the number of discs as all the packs have the same special features, mostly the 10 production videos that had been released online over the last year. Despite that there are a few exclusive extras depending on which retailer you choose to buy one of the Blu-ray Combo packs from. Below are the details, prices are really unknown since current listed prices are probably higher then what the sale week price will be.Best Buy
- "A Hobbit's Tale Part 1: The Journey Begins" - No details on what this is but assume a bit of a documentary on the filming of the first movie.
- Flip lenticular package cover of Bilbo and Gollum
- Lego Bilbo mini-fig
- Behind the scenes Lego featurette - On the upcoming Lego video game, not the movie itself
- 64 page "The World of Hobbits" book
- 4 Vudu bonus featurettes
- The Journey Back to Middle-Earth
- Bilbo and The Riddle Game
- Gandalf and the White Council
- Thorin and the Song of the Lonely Mountain
- Panoramic Poster Set: 8" x 40" poster of the cast walking up the mountain
The Hobbit: AUJ Exclusive Details. There are any The Hobbit: AUJ Exclusive Details in here.
This weekend The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is now the 15th film to cross the $1 billion worldwide box office in ticket sales. The threshold was reached thanks to strong international sales of $700 million versus $300 million in the States. For the previous trilogy only The Return of the King was able to cross that point. The successful Christmas release was probably the main reason that Warner Bros felt comfortable with moving There and Back again to a Christmas schedule as the odds are high that the other two films in The Hobbit trilogy will pass a $1 billion also.The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Crosses $1B Box Office. There are any The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Crosses $1B Box Office in here.
Maybe the people who edited the American version didn't think that the story order mattered that much, but it was the first thing I picked up on as something that hindered Black Sabbath's effectiveness. In the American version, the order of stories goes "The Drop of Water," "The Telephone," then "The Wurdalak," while the original order from the Italian version is "Telephone," "Wurdalak," and then "Water." Then to make matters worse, they also did some heavy cutting on the second best story of the bunch, "The Telephone," turning it into a bit of a confusing mess at the conclusion. However, the individual stories are still effective on their own even if the overall presentation of the anthology is screwed up.
So first up in my version was "The Drop of Water" and really starts the movie out with a bang. A nurse is called to the home of an older woman who has just died in order to prepare her for burial. While dressing her, the nurse steals a ring from the dead woman's hand. The nurse goes home only to find out that woman's ghost has followed her there and intends to terrify her. The story is simple and the ghostly instances are also simple and subtle but it all works so well, coupled with the odd lighting and set decorations for both locations.
But of course the most effective element in "Water" is the absolutely terrifying, nightmare-inducing, fucking freaky-ass looking dead woman. Look at that picture of her up there! WHAT IS THAT?! Where did it come from, and is it really dead because it's looking at me like it's going to eat me!? Whoever came up with the look of this chick is either insane or a genius because I don't think I'll be able to scrub this image out of my brain EVER. Oh, and then to make it worse later, they have the dead woman haunt the nurse in her apartment and freaking come slowly floating toward her. Jeebus, I'd choke myself to death, too, just to get away from that creature. Gah!
So now that I've been traumatized for life, the next story is "The Telephone," which is equally as good as "Water" except for this is the one that the editing messed up. Basic rundown is that a beautiful young woman named Rosy starts receiving strange phone calls with the caller saying all kinds of kinky things and, even worse, telling her things that make her know that he is watching her. The caller appears to be her dead lover, Frank, so Rosy's obviously freaked out and she calls this other chick named Mary to stay with her. Mary acts all strange and ends up drugging Rosy with a tranquilizer. While we think Rosy's dead, Mary sits down to write her a letter and Frank the dead guy comes in and kills Mary. Rosy wakes up, Frank comes after her, but she stabs him to death. Then the phone is off its cradle and Rosy still hears Frank's voice coming out of it. Over.
The story was working out so well for the first part of this until things got all kinds of confusing. The editing for the American version ruined everything. So we never find out that Rosy and Mary were actually lesbian lovers, that Frank was not really dead, and that Mary was the one calling Rosy pretending to be Frank. Yeah, that's a real good idea to take out all the elements that would actually make the story make some sense. Good call. What we have to deal with in the American version is a sorta-ghost story thing but at the same time not really because ghosts can't strangle people or be stabbed to death. This is still a great story though, with a really fantastically creepy atmosphere, and I'm just going to have to remember it as it should have been in the Italian version.
I don't really know how "The Wurdalak" fits in with either of the two earlier stories at all. This is where the rummaging around with the story order really hurts Black Sabbath because no way should "Wurdalak" have been the last story in the anthology. Granted, I was already feeling a little sleepy by the time this one rolled around, but damn, did "Wurdalak" almost bore me to death. It seemed to go on a lot longer than the earlier stories, and the change of time period and pace was somewhat jarring (especially toward the end when I was half asleep but still able to register that there was almost no talking in the last 10 or 15 minutes - ugh). The action is slow and I barely even remember what happened - not the best state in which to write a review, but I really don't think a rewatch would make me like this one any more. Karloff is great at looking all disheveled and freaky, and his performance as Gorcha is great even when he's not doing anything. Don't have anything more definitive to say about this one, sorry.
Oh, no, wait. One very entertaining part of "Wurdalak" has got to be Boris Karloff's line when he wants to hold his grandson Ivan but the mother seems a little hesitant so Karloff says, "Can't I fondle my own grandson?!" Oh. My. Goodness.
I have no doubt that it would have been so much better to see Black Sabbath as it was originally intended by Bava, in the right order and without all the ridiculous cuts to one segment. I love Karloff's introductions with his fabulous wit (little disappointed that there was no "goodbye" message or something at the end) and the first two stories are strongly written and acted with the perfect atmosphere; however, the last story almost brings the whole thing down. Totally worth a look, though, for anyone who hasn't seen it.
Anthology Quest: Black Sabbath (1963). There are any Anthology Quest: Black Sabbath (1963) in here.
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